

German Nationality Nursery "Children's castle" with day care

Head of institution: Ildikó Rizmajer Kecskésné

Phone contact: 29/372-060
Fax: 29/370-060
Kitchen phone number: 29/372-745
E- mail:

The "GYERMEKVÁR" (Children's castle) in Újhartyán, in an ideal environment in the centre of the town, was built in 2009 to the most modern requirements and the relevant strict standards. The impressive building is easily accessible and offers convenient parking for visitors. The town won a 382 million HUF investments for the construction of the nursery school, which will have a capacity for 180 children, 8 groups of children, and a kitchen with 400 portions equipped with modern technology, and almost the same amount was contributed by the local government from its own resources. The local pre-school education programme of the institution: an own programme based on the activity-centered pre-school education curriculum and following the guidelines of German national education. Our Nationality Programme is designed to strengthen the approach that is the mission of the German nationality living in our town. In the spirit of our pre-school education programme, we create the conditions for a wide range of activities in the children's community. We are convinced that the experiences gained in nursery will determine the children's future and their perception of the world. We take every opportunity to make them love our country and our community. Our educational values are backed up by a highly professional and skilled staff.

Thanks to this investment, the institution provides the ideal environment for children and teachers to acquire competitive skills and to create the necessary conditions for an education that creates opportunities.

Opening hours of the nursery:
Open Monday to Friday, 06:30 am to 17:30 pm.

Children are supervised by a nursery teacher during the opening hours.

From 06:30 to 07:30 in the morning and from 16:00 to 17:30 in the afternoon, children are educated in a combined group.